Re: ruserok() & /etc/hosts.equiv

Carl Corey (
Tue, 3 May 1994 12:31:19 -0500

At  8:26 AM 5/3/94 -0700, Walker Aumann wrote:
>I agree that it's a reasonable thing to be broken, but it should be documented,
>and where is the version of ruserok that rcp, rsh, rlogin use, since none of
>those programs are broken?

Try rsh'ing into an account that doesn't have a .rhosts while there is a +
in hosts.equiv.  Does this work?  Maybe Sun broke ruserok() to ignore the
hosts.equiv file because it has no real usage.  If ruserok() doesn't work
in a sample c program (checking to see if is allowed in,
etc) then, at least I thought, that it wouldn't work in a larger program
such as the 'r' commands.  Unless they use some other method of
authentication in addition to ruserok().  Maybe I'll dig up my net/2
sources and check out that version of ruserok().  Be sure to try it with a
valid host name too.  Get back to me on this.